Ice and snow in Rome

Ice and snow in Rome · a rare magic

Ice and snow in Rome are a rarity. Only on a few days in January and February the temperature can become frosty at night, during the day it almost always rises above freezing.

Even more rarely, the cold temperatures are joined by snow, and the Romans have long memories of the years when there was snow.

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Roman fountains in ice

Fontana Acqua Paola

Seeing an icy fountain in Rome has rarity value. Photographers swarm to immortalize the spectacle. If you are in Rome after a freezing night, you should try your luck! The water freezes as it flows and beautiful pictures are taken. As soon as it gets warmer, the magic disappears.

The frozen fountains in St. Peter’s Square or Piazza Barberini are interesting. Until the big fountains freeze, like the Fountain of the Four Rivers in Piazza Navona or the Trevi Fountain, it takes a little longer.

It is also forbidden to enter the fountains when they are iced over. Besides, the thin layer of ice could crack and you could get your feet wet.

Snow in Rome

The Colosseum in the snow

When it snows in Rome, the city practically stops. Most Romans have no experience driving on snow. They drive with summer tires and without winter equipment. At the first incline, nothing works.

Schools are closed and public transport, with the exception of the metro, comes to a standstill. Some buses even come to a standstill with snow chains.

The snow-covered city therefore offers a very special experience and a special silence spreads.

Ski resorts around Rome

Winter in Ovindoli

There are several ski resorts in the nearby Appenine Mountains. Within two hours drive you can reach the following resorts:

  • Terminillo – near Rieti via the Salaria road
  • Ovindoli – a relatively small but quite snow-sure area near Aquila (highway A24)
  • Campo Felice – a fairly large area near Aquila
  • Monte Livata – not very snow-sure, but only 84 km away from Rome

A little further away are Campo Imperatore and Roccaraso, both of which also have good snow reliability.

If you’re in Rome for a bit longer in the winter, a trip to the mountains is well worth it. Not only do you have the chance to have a snowball fight and go downhill skiing. The gastronomy in the mountains is also decidedly delicious and reasonably priced.